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Diverse Learning Environments


We understand what your baby needs. Let us reassure you that we will provide a home away from home. During the Infant stages we will provide your little one with age appropriate toys such as discovery baskets. Your child will have fun discovering different textures. While our group time allows your child to develop social skills. 


Not only will your child develop social skill, but gross motor skills as well. Our small classroom size allows for each teacher to spend individual time with your little one.  Our infant curriculum allows your child to reach every milestone as they grow.  



Our toddler classroom is literacy fluent. We pride ourselves on creating an environment  filled with eye level shelves and print enrichment to promote independence. During this stage children are learning how to share, use their words, and everything in between. It is important to listen, and allow them to try things on their own. Our curriculum program allows them to learn subjects such as: Literacy, Math, Science, and Social Skills. 


This is a huge step for your little one. They are able to communicate their every need with you. Our  learning center provides equipment and toys developmentally appropriate to help your child strive. During this stage we are continuing to teach your child cognitive skills and hands on steam activities. We continue to allow your child to be creative and unique as they continue to grow up.  


We prepare your child for Elementary school. Our curriculum provides learning material for letter and number recognition,reading and writing, and much more. We strive to provide the best education to make sure your child is prepared for school. We teach socialization, physical fitness,and emotional well being as a part of our curriculum.

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